The Prayer Exchange

August 2014

Thank you so much for your prayers this past month! They have been felt over and over. We are so blessed to have so many people like you willing to come to the Lord on our behalf. Thank you for walking with us, doing life with us, and serving along side us!

Please email us any praise and/or prayer requests you might have... we would love to hear from you!


God has provided a replacement for John at work. He will be able to start some training right away. This is a huge weight off of John's shoulders!

God has doubled our partnership team in this past month!

We have been so blessed by the gifts of time so many of you have given us! July was packed full of wonderful memories and joy with our loved ones!

Please Pray

August is Crazy!!! We will be on the road for the first half of August. Pray for safety, flexibility, good health, and joyful hearts as we travel! Pray for the productivity of this partnership trip. May people be moved by the Spirit to partner with us in what God has called us to in Papua New Guinea.  Pray that God surprises us along the way with new relationships that we didn't expect!

After our trip we will have only 2 weeks till we move to JAARS in Waxhaw, NC! We need a SUPER dose of wisdom and endurance as we pack some things for village life, some things for our 3 month Pacific Orientation Course, and the rest of our stuff that is given away or stored with family, whew!  Pray too for the kids as we are transitioning. We are moving 45 mins away, but that can feel like a 100 miles when we have been blessed to have such dear friends so close for such a long time.

We are stepping out in faith for God's timing through these transitions.  There is a delicate and unknown balance between when we can go full-time with Wycliffe (meaning John stepping away from his job) and our move out to Waxhaw in preparation for PNG (translation: we don't have the resources yet, but we believe that God will make a way!).  Please pray that God will continue to move in people's hearts to act now and partner with our Wycliffe ministry on a monthly basis. We are praying to reach 100% of our ministry budget by the end of Sept. Without a complete partnership team we cannot move to Papua New Guinea.

Thank you all! Without your prayers and support we couldn't to this!
Much love,

John and Kristi Craig